Tax Planning & Strategies

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Advisors Say Move Gingerly With Suddenly Wealthy Clients

by Ben Mattlin

The psychological adjustment to receiving a lot of money can take years, they say.

Biden Wants to Tax IRAs Over $10 Million, Require Mega RMDs


The president's budget proposal would also end backdoor Roth conversions for the wealthy.

Trump Individual, Estate Tax Cut Renewal To Cost $4.6 Trillion, CBO Says


The estimate is more than double the cost of the original Trump tax cuts.

Massachusetts Eyes Mansion Tax To Fund Affordable Housing


The initiative mirrors a measure recently spurned by Chicago voters.

How Capital Gains Are Taxed And How That Might Change


This will be a key topic when Donald Trump's tax cuts expire.

States Are Eyeing A New Tax On The Wealthy Who Move Away


The "exit tax" would be slapped on wealthy taxpayers who move to another state.

Client Portfolios Are About Needs And Taxes, CIOs Say


Adjusting client portfolios to the current environment has to go beyond the cookie-cutter approach, they said.

Biden Proposal Hikes Total Taxes On Wealthy To 44.6%


Wealth managers say the proposal is “counterproductive” to raising revenues.

Advanced Tax Bracket Planning With CPAs--A Growth Strategy


Financial advisors must move beyond table stakes services to help clients with advanced tax planning strategies.

How The U.S. Tax System Stole $600 Billion From Black Americans


A new book shows how bureaucracies in the U.S. used unfair taxes to cement a racial wealth gap.

How Tax Planning Can Elevate RIA Practices


Here are several critical benefits of adding tax planning to a firm's core service offerings.

Tax Deadline Extensions Give More Time, But Not Much Else, Advisors Say


There's not a lot to be gained by waiting an extra six months to pay taxes, they say.

New York's Rich Get Creative To Flee State Taxes. Auditors Are On To Them

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High earners need to prove the location of everything from pets to Pelotons to show they've changed residency.

Trump's Advisors Want To Cut SALT Write-Off Limit To Below $10,000


The limit was imposed in Trump's 2017 tax law and will expire at the end of 2025.

Trump Pushed To Embrace 17% Income Tax For All

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The minds behind the proposal include Steve Forbes and former White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow.

Should Wealthy Clients Use Home Equity To Reduce Taxes?


Such strategies can sometimes carry a high price tag, advisors say.

Why Tax Planning Should Be A Year-Round Priority For Advisors


Outsourcing tax management can enable advisors to apply tax management strategies across all their clients' taxable accounts throughout the year.

Using Life Insurance To Address Anticipated Rise In Estate Taxes


Life insurance can be useful for dealing with expiring TCJA provisions, advisors say.

Tech Millionaires Chase Billionaire Tax Shields With ‘Swap Fund'


A new startup is offering a tax avoidance tool favored by the super-rich to moderately wealthy techies.

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