Barry Ritholtz

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Index Funds Don't Hurt Consumers, But Monopolies Do


Critics of passive investing blame the wrong thing for higher prices in some industries.

Vanguard Fund Investors Get Control Of Paying Taxes


The big money manager found a way to defer taxes on mutual-fund capital gains via exchanged-traded funds.

Why Financial Literacy Is So Elusive


Much of the knowledge vanishes quickly in the absence of constant use.

Hedge Funds Keep Failing To Deliver On What They're Selling


They neither outperform in bull markets nor offer insurance against bear retreats.

Selfie Deaths Are Like Stock-Market Crashes


Like backing off a cliff while taking a photo, excessive fees are among the things we don't think about that might kill you.

Warren Has A Good Beginning For Ending Corporate-Tax Avoidance


Something's not right when the most profitable companies can avoid paying their share.

Estate Tax Gets A Lot More Attention Than It Deserves


The levy is portrayed as a big threat to family businesses and farms, though almost no one pays it.

Why Routine Stock-Market Declines Make Investors Crazy


Many of us are sure disaster awaits, even though that almost never happens.

The Forecasting Business Shouldn't Be This Bad


Those who try to divine the future would do a better job with a few simple changes.

A Latte A Day Isn't Going To Ruin Your Retirement


If spending $5 a day on fancy coffee puts your retirement at risk, you’ve got big problems.

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