It was a reversal for Trump, who on Tuesday claimed he had many CEOs ready to replace the "grandstanders" who quit.
All six of the major health insurers topped Wall Street expectations in the second quarter.
Big insurers have retreated from Obamacare’s individual market and focused on a Medicare program for seniors.
The deductibles in the controversial Republican plan would be so high that they’d violate maximums set in U.S. law, CBO says.
Hundreds of arrests are expected in a crackdown on fraudulent claims made to some of the nation’s biggest insurers.
The program is working well in some areas of the nation, and struggling in others.
Congressional actuaries have yet to issue a “score” that will show how much it will cost or save taxpayers.
The proposal includes a refundable, age-based tax credit to help people buy insurance.
It would do away with the Affordable Care Act’s requirement that all Americans have health coverage or pay a fin.
Pharmaceuticals have been whipsawed by Donald Trump's changing attitudes toward the industry.