While the stakes rise increasingly higher, there has been some progress in combatting climate change, says Jeremy Grantham.
Capitalism has this strange ability to kind of paralyze the altruistic part of humans, says Jeremy Grantham.
They will pay an average tax of just 2.1% on that income, an NYU law professor estimates.
The potential for higher taxes next year may accelerate deals.
U.S. lawmakers should close loopholes, raise the estate tax and hike the capital-gains tax, Gates said.
The biggest barrier may not be Congress, but the Constitution.
About $36 trillion will flow from one generation to another over the next 30 years, says United Income.
To join the top 0.1%, you would have needed to earn $2.4 million in 2017.
He has a radical plan to reverse spiraling inequality and at least two Democratic frontrunners are listening.
After the high-profile divorce of Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos, tech mavens are being more careful about love and marriage.