Lynnley Browning

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Rich Looking To Dodge Property Tax Caps Turn To Alaskan Trusts


Tax advisors say strategy is best for the well off, but not the super-rich.

Fund Managers Are Ditching Wall Street For Florida

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Florida officials are showering the investment crowd with promises of warm weather and zero state income taxes.

Hedge Fund Managers Shift Billions Over Carried Interest Concern

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Managers split their taxed and untaxed profits up to avoid having it all potentially taxed at a higher rate.

Wall Street Era Of Deducting $65 Dry-Aged Steaks Could Be Over


Trump's tax law seems to end the 50 percent write-off for business meals.

Bitcoin Buyers Have To Take A Wild Guess On Their Taxes

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Even accountants are unclear on how to treat complex transactions.

Rich Professionals Can Exploit Tax Break For Farms, Small Firms


Some professionals are eyeing a loophole in what’s supposed to be a mom-and-pop benefit of the new tax law.

Trump, Real Estate Investors Get Last-Minute Perk In Tax Bill

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The change allows real estate businesses to take advantage of a tax break for pass-through entities.

Senate's `Unpleasant Surprise' Hurts Tax Breaks for Tech, Others


Corporations, including tech firms, may see higher taxes than the bill’s drafters intended, experts say.

Offshore Tax-Haven Reports Draw Scrutiny To House GOP Bill


Critics want slower consideration of the tax overhaul bill after major companies were accused of tax avoidance.

Washington's Biggest Mystery: What's In The Republican Tax Plan?

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A key test will be how House leaders deal with the state and local tax deduction, the first flash point in the debate.

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