A giant year-end spending bill combines $900 billion in Covid relief aid with a bevy of business tax breaks.
Senate Republicans remain the stimulus's ultimate road block.
As the deadline nears, both sides still appear far from a deal.
Markets so far mostly have shrugged off Washington’s inability to act.
“He’s talking about a much larger amount than I can sell to my members,” McConnell said.
Republicans accuse Democrats of placing electoral politics before the economic stimulus.
There’s almost no chance of getting legislation written and passed by Congress before the Nov. 3 election.
Optimism that a deal can be reached remains, but it is fading amid a partisan impasse.
The sides have been at an impasse since August, and time is running out for a deal before the Nov. 3 election.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggested that Democrats might be willing to cut more from their proposal.