It would be the first time the deficit exceeded the $1 trillion mark since 2012.
The core consumer price index rose 0.3% from the prior month, and 2.2% from a year earlier.
Economists are starting to war game for how a recession could happen—and they're mainly centered on trade.
Weaker business investment and exports were among the factors in the decrease.
Trade tensions likely helped push down U.S. economic growth in the last quarter.
As questions mount about the health of the global economy, U.S. growth is strong, but slowing.
Two political rivals find common ground on low unemployment and its effect on inflation.
Stephanie Kelton says the whole economy will benefit if America’s $1.6 trillion in student debt is canceled.
The cash coming back to U.S. shores falls short of what Donald Trump said would return after the 2017 tax law.
Overall wage pressures remained “relatively subdued” with some employers boosting benefits, the report said.