Tom Kostigen

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Students Choose Impact Investments


In a radical approach to investing, education and engagement, an impact investing center at the University of Utah partnered with a foundation to vet and invest in five social enterprises.

Catastrophe Bonds Catch Fire

by Tom Kostigen

Cat bonds are proliferating as the world gets ravaged by extreme weather conditions.

The After Impact Glow

by Tom Kostigen

The Second Annual Impact Investing Workshop in Denver was a resounding success with great sponsors, great speakers, great participants, and a great time had by all.

Don't Get Fired: Attend My Denver Impact Workshop

by Tom Kostigen

You should attend because the impact investing segment of the financial services industry is one of the fastest growing. Moreover, it's appealing to the next generation of investors.

Women, Agriculture And Startup Financing


Small and growing businesses in the agriculture sector and/or those run by women face a financing gap that needs to be filled, says the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs.

Feed People: Malnourishment Costs The Economy $125 Billion

by Tom Kostigen

What will have the biggest impact on people's lives and on the global economy? It's rather simple: feed people.

Niall Ferguson Still Doesn't Get It


In clumsily defending his recent anti-gay remarks regarding economist John Maynard Keynes, Niall Ferguson wrongly attempts to link personal beliefs with professional judgment.

Harvard Professor Trashes Keynes For Homosexuality


Harvard Professor and author Niall Ferguson says John Maynard Keynes' economic philosophy was flawed and he didn't care about future generations because he was gay and didn't have children.

Mileage-based Insurance

by Tom Kostigen

It isn't strictly speaking an impact investment (yet), but mileage-based insurance and the companies that offer it are on to something.

Impact Networks For Success

by Tom Kostigen

As the impact investing industry grows, so too does the network of its proponents.

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