Selcuk Gokoluk

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Fitch Says Emerging Markets Vulnerable As Debt Hits $19 Trillion


Outstanding debt securities from developing nations have ballooned from $5 trillion a decade earlier.

Pimco Sees 'Handsome' Rewards In Emerging-Market Local Bonds

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The market will become much larger, deeper and more liquid, says Pimco.

This $3.3 Billion Fund Manager Beats World By Ignoring ETFs


“If you track the index you end up holding a lot of undesirable companies,” money manager Robert Marshall-Lee says.

U.S. Stocks Still Best For Vanguard's Bogle After 400% Gains


“I believe the U.S. is the best place to invest,” Vanguard founder Jack Bogle said.

Which Countries Have The Top Equity Returns Since 1900?


A new study shows that no single industry can provide a lasting competitive advantage.

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