Cecile Gutscher

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S&P 500 Hitting 10 Records In August Emboldens Defensive Traders

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U.S. small-cap companies are on track for the longest streak of underperformance since 2011.

Bond Rally Stumps Wall Street, Blindsides Hedge Funds

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Investors are surprised because Treasurys should typically sell off in an environment of economic expansion and inflation.

Bubble Fears Everywhere But All Investors Can Do Is Keep Buying

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Exchange-traded U.S. equity funds took in $7 billion last week, led by strategies tracking the hottest themes.

Blue Wave Bets Revive Reflation Trades All Over the World

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Reflation bulls have been counting on a Democrat sweep to usher in further fiscal support for the economy.

Pimco Cranks Up Its CLO Machine For The First Time in A Decade


The CLO market could rev up as the pandemic purges the market of its excesses.

Bill Gross's Backfiring Trade Finally Pays Off In Coronavirus QE

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He bet that policy at the world's largest central banks would start to converge.

Investors Are Herding Together Like Never Before In Virus Rout


The global epidemic has fearful investors moving in lockstep out of the equity market.

Junk Bond ETFs Are Again Defying Doubters And Liquidity Fear

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The ETFs have done much better than the underlying bonds, says one trader.

Hottest Bond Market In History Is Starting To Make Some Nervous

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The fear is that investors are exposing themselves to interest rate risk like never before.

Wall Street Warnings Get Louder Now That The Everything Rally Is Back

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Investors and strategists are doubting the most recent rally in global stocks, arguing that what goes up must come down.

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