Jeff Stimpson

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What To Tell Clients About HSAs And Taxes


The increasingly popular accounts offer great potential for growing funds if taxes are handled properly.

If Your Client Suffers Hurricane Damage, These Tax Strategies Can Help


Be aware that the IRS extends filing deadlines for people in federally declared disaster areas.

Smart End-of-Year Tax Moves For Clients


These are some strategies to consider as you get your clients' assets in order for the coming tax year.

Tax Pitfalls Divorcing Clients Need To Avoid


A new federal report highlights tax problems your clients who are about to divorce or are newly divorced might face.

What To Do If Congress Eliminates 1031 Exchanges


The tactic can help protect capital gains, but several other alternatives are worth considering.

Best Tax Moves For Advisory Businesses


Advisors spend a career helping others with money -- but they may not realize tax advantages available to themselves.

50% Tax On Missed RMDs May Be Waived


Clients who fail to make required withdrawals from retirement accounts may be able to avoid the steep penalty.

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