Justina Lee

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Brace For The Most Expensive, Manic FTSE Russell Rebalance Trade


Rebalancing in late June results in wild swings in returns.

Wall Street's ‘Model Portfolio' Boom Gets Slammed In New Paper


So-called model portfolios are ridden with conflicts of interest, a trio of academics argue.

Quant Pioneer Cliff Asness Says It's ‘Too Early to Gloat' As Value Stocks Rally


His firm's $1 billion Absolute Return fund just posted the best five days in its 23-year history.

Hedge Funds Boost Value-Stock Exposure to the Highest In Four Years


Among quantitative funds, bets on cheaper stocks have surged to the highest in months.

Value Quant Trade Drops Near 1970s Lows In Covid Crash Echo

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Value once again significantly lags growth when factor performance is compared.

Wall Street Dip Buyers Defy Omicron Inflation Risk At Their Own Peril


The new variant has arrived at a drastically different point in the monetary cycle.

Stock Pros Are As Hedged As Ever Under Record-Smashing S&P Rally


Big institutions are still paying a decent premium to hedge the S&P 500 Index.

Value Stocks Misfire As JPMorgan's Hedge-Fund Clients Trim Bets


Value investing is losing again, and hedge funds have less ammo to save it this time round.

S&P 500 Membership May Be 'For Sale,' New NBER Research Suggests


The study threatens to fuel controversy over the far-reaching impact of the gauge tracked by more than $13 trillion in capital.

Morgan Stanley's Mike Wilson Warns Of Fresh Stock-Market Pain

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Skeptics like Wilson might find a more receptive audience amid a growing supply-side crisis.

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