Bloomberg News

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U.S. Budget Discord Is Top Threat To Global Economy In Poll


Global investors say the state of the U.S...

Golfer Mickelson Apologizes For Comments On Income Taxes


Phil Mickelson apologized for saying he would have to make “drastic changes” due to new U.S. and California tax laws. The 42-year-old golf champion said the comments should have remained private.

Yale May Buy More Hedge Fund Investments After Favoring Cash


The nation’s second-wealthiest college may increase its holdings of hedge funds after cutting them last year and shifting into cash.

Sales Of U.S. Existing Homes Decrease On Lack Of Supply


Sales of U.S. existing homes unexpectedly dropped in December, restrained by the lowest supply of properties in more than a decade.

High School Graduation Rate Jumps To Highest Since 1970s


U.S. students graduated from public high schools at the highest rate since the 1970s, with the largest leap for Hispanic students, government data show.

Calpers Buy-Hold Commitment Recoups $95 Billion Recession Loss


The California Public Employees’ Retirement System is poised to top a record $260 billion in assets by sticking with a strategy of buy-and-hold.

Obama Channels Eisenhower With Anemic Government Spending Growth


Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell says it’s time for the president to “get serious about spending.” The budget numbers suggest Barack Obama already has.

Investors Most Optimistic On Stocks In 3 1/2 Years, Poll Says


International investors are the most bullish on stocks in at least 3 1/2 years, with close to two- thirds planning to raise their holdings of equities during the next six months, according to a...

European Dividends Sink To Four-Year Low As CEOs Hoard Cash


Companies in the euro area are poised to cut dividends to the lowest level in four years as chief executive officers stockpile cash to weather the region’s sovereign-debt crisis.

Obama Picks Ultimatums Over Optimism To Start Second Term


President Obama has shed the aura of a hopeful consensus builder determined to break partisan gridlock and has adopted a more confrontational stance in his dealings with Republicans.

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