About half of institutional investors consider digital assets to be worthy of holding in portfolios.
Risk and reward may abound in the lowest rung of investment-grade U.S. corporate bonds as companies battle to reduce leverage.
The fund giant is moving forward with a plan that could help ease fears of trading cryptocurrencies.
Off-the-grid cryptocurrencies could make virtual coins harder to steal.
The new coins will track the value of the U.S. dollar.
Investors use Tether to manipulate prices of other cryptocurrency tokens via pump-and-dump strategies.
The Virtual Commodity Association is meant to develop industry standards, promote transparency and work with regulators.
His solution: a centralized feed with real-time price quotes.
The service will allow traders to buy or sell large quantities of Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies.
The prospect of it remaking financial services just moved a step closer to reality after a successful six-month test.