Ed Slott

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On Your Guard


Here are the five ways to better project the tax bill on a 2019 Roth conversion.

5 Ways To Better Project The Tax Bill On A 2019 Roth Conversion


Know the tax traps and opportunities before advising on a conversion.

Why The IRA Trust May No Longer Work


Life insurance replaces IRAs as the better estate planning vehicle.

Tax Alerts For Advisors To Share With CPAs


These three notices will help accountants with your clients’ 2018 tax returns.

Seven Year-End Retirement Planning Strategies


Check these items before year’s end.

New IRA Proposals from Congress Can Benefit Those Over 70½


The new proposals also have a new child benefit and Universal Savings Accounts for all.

When Roths May Not Be Right


A dozen reasons not to do a Roth conversion.

Congress Says No Rothification … For Now


Congress revisited a plan to eliminate the tax deductions for 401(k)s and replace them with Roth 401(k)-type plans.

IRAs: Where The Money Is, Why They're Different


The tax rules for IRAs are different than the rules for almost all other types of property.

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