Ben Holland

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The U.S. Set Up These Programs To Offset Covid Hardship. They're All About To Expire

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Each expiration date will test the still-fragile U.S. recovery.

Economists Are Losing Hope In A ‘V-Shaped’ Post-Virus Recovery


Looking for a quick snapback in growth? Think again.

How Coronavirus Has Upended Economics In Just A Few Weeks

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Economic orthodoxies are getting tossed aside at a furious pace.

Wartime Mood Grips World Leaders And Debt Fears Melt Away

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Capitals from Berlin to Washington and Canberra this week are shaking off fiscal restraint.

Cash Handouts Are Gaining Support In Congress As Best Virus Fix

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Analysts worry that some of the virus-relief proposals already in the pipeline will be too narrow.

How Can Bernie Sanders Pay For Spending? Easily, Say Treasury Markets

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Economists are much more relaxed about public debt with how cheap it is to borrow money.

A Year Is Too Short For A U.S. Worker To Earn Middle-Class Life


Men need 53 weeks to pay for the basics of a middle-class life, women 66 weeks, says Oren Cass.

A 5,000-Year-Old Plan To Erase Debts Is Now A Hot Topic in America


While the current debate centers on college costs, long-run numbers show how debt has spread through the economy.

A Long-Despised And Risky Economic Doctrine Is Now A Hot Idea

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Powerful names are pushing for "helicopter money" as the threat of deflation looms.

Summers Slams MMT As 'Fallacious' As Economics Battle Heats Up


The former Treasury Secretary said that MMT could lead to hyperinflation and a "currency collapse."

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