Ben Mattlin

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Raymond James Lures $800M Advisor Quintet From Commonwealth


Lightship Wealth Strategies of Lower Falls, Mass., operates with a team of five advisors.

Advisor Sues Merrill Lynch Over Alleged ERISA Violations


The lawsuit maintains the firm broke the law when it denied the advisor his deferred compensation when he resigned.

J.P. Morgan's Kelly Says Economy Far From Miserable, Sees Rate Cut This Year


Strategist David Kelly noted that the so-called "misery index" is at one of its lowest points in 60 years.

MassMutual, Advisor Wage Court Battle Over Finra's Arbitration Jurisdiction


A federal court is being asked to decide who should arbitrate the company's non-compete complaint against the former rep.

You Can't 'Legislate Good Behavior'


Here's what advisors really think about the DOL rule.

Share Buybacks Vs. Dividends--WisdomTree Examines What Drives Returns


The market has been led by growth so long, dividend stocks have become cheaper, said these analysts.

Creating Realistic Retirement Budgets--Tricks Smart Advisors Use


Getting a true picture of a retiree's finances takes a bit of detective work, advisors say.

Beyond The Alphabet Soup: What Advisors Need To Know About Medicare


The national healthcare system for the aged is so complicated it can confuse even financial professionals.

RIAs Express 'Guarded Optimism' About Market, Survey Says


But they also think volatility will continue over the year.

You Can't 'Legislate Good Behavior': What Advisors Really Think About The DOL Rule


Few in the advisory industry view the fiduciary proposal as a cure-all.

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