"Silicon Valley has the banking industry in its crosshairs
"In my latest LTP article, I have attempted to provide high-level and (hopefully) user-friendly enough (i.e., not requiring high-tech knowledge) overview of the underlying cry...
"Blockchain's potential is capturing the attention of financiers like JPMorgan Chase and Goldman Sachs as well as technocrats, but asset managers have been slow to adopt it
From The Publisher: We're a bit partial to thisarticle becauseof the word "Fintegration" in the title, which is the name of our corporate entity................www.fintegrat...
"Independent advisors can embrace the fi-borg wealth management model and help shape our industry's future.Some broker/dealers and independent financial advisors may be about ...
"Bank backed Blockchain fintech development consortium R3 (R3CEV LLC) is working with the Bank of Canada and the Canadian Payments Association on a Blockchain powered payment transfer system, it...
"Yesterday (6/14/16) the United States Court of Appeals, DC Circuit, denied a case challenging the Securities and Exchange Commission and their rules under Title IV of the JOB...
"Blockchain and dynamic biometrics could be the future of identity management, providing a common standard is reached, a security expert believes
"One of the main issues that face new peer-to-peer or crowd lendingplatforms is how to create trust among potential lenders that the borrowers will actually pay out
"The term "fintech" has become all the rage; investors and media can't stop talking about it