Bill Taylor

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Machine Learning Will Cause Massive Financial Job Loss


FintekNews is reporting, once again, that massive job loss will ensue in finance and elsewhere due to advances in machine learning and AI

Diversity in Tech - Not!


FintekNews is reporting that - GASP - there is a lack of diversity in the tech world. Who knew? Everyone, it seems, except those in it. Read on!

Bitcoin's Got Some BIG Problems


FintekNews is reporting that Bitcoin's potential hard fork signal big problems for the digital currency and will drive institutional investors away

Oh, THAT Correction!! Nightmares After Napping.


FintekNews does a daily analysis of the KBW Nasdaq KFTX Fintech Index and market overview - today we are reporting a NIGHTMARE market (3/21/17)

Gold Boogies Up - Sit Out Bitcoin


FintekNews does a daily analysis of bitcoin hedged against gold. We recently recommended liquidating bitcoin and sitting out until further notice (3/21/17)

Margin and Leverage for Bitcoin Trading - YIKES!


FintekNews is reporting that CoinBase has announced new margin and leverage trading for bitcoin on their exchange - our writer thinks it's a bad idea

Silicon Valley is No Longer Tops for Global Talent


FintekNews is reporting that Silicon Valley has lost their #1 ranking for global tech talent to Singapore this year according to a new study

WalMart Unveils New Tech Incubator


Whoa! Here are TWO big pieces of news

Shhhhhhhh! Markets & Fintech Sleeping


FintekNews reports daily on the KBW Nasdaq KFTX Fintech Index and their daily moves. Read our post for today's updates for 3/20/17.

Bad Weekend 4 Bitcoin-Gold Firm-Major Position Change


FintekNews is reporting that it was a bad weekend for bitcoin, but gold is now holding firm. We've changed our position recommendation in this piece.

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