Alice Gledhill

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Bonds Suddenly Look Like A Smart Hedge Again After 12% Loss

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The fixed-income vehicles still represent a hedge against a global economic slowdown.

U.S. Curve Steepens As Traders Test Fed Resolve On Inflation

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The gap between five- and 30-year rates grew to the widest in just over six weeks.

China Lockdown Amps Up Inflation Scare For Global Markets


The inflation flare-up is taking a toll on demand, spending and corporate earnings.

Mobius Sees China As A Haven After Russia's Attack On Ukraine

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He also remains bullish on gold, which advanced to the highest level in more than a year on Thursday.

JPMorgan, Pimco Bet On Debt Trade Poised For Pandemic Rebound


The firms say buying the debt of companies on the cusp of an upgrade has the potential to unlock profits.

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