Brad McMillan

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A Look Back At The Markets And Economy In January


A strong January may or may not be a prequel to a strong year, but the next couple of months continue to look positive.

An Economic State Of The Union


The economy is in a good place, but is it poised to get better?

Dow 26K: Is This One Different?


It’s way too early to call the bull market dead.

What Do Higher Interest Rates Mean For Investments?


With current rates, any increases are likely to have minor effects on a diversified portfolio.

Dow 25K: A Look Beyond The Headlines


This Dow milestone is not necessarily a sign that everything is as good as the headlines suggest.

2017: A Dickens Of A Year


Thinking about 2017 in retrospect: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

Three Current Economic Trends To Watch


What could take the current good conditions and make them less so?

Is A New Crisis Brewing In Germany And Europe?


This kind of political uncertainty is new -- and unprecedented -- for postwar Germany.

What The Tax Bills Could Mean For You


Overall, the effects of the tax reform bills are likely to be mixed, especially when considered over time.

Halfway Through Earnings: More Treats Than Tricks?


So far, revenues for the S&P 500 are up by an estimated 5.7 percent year-on-year.

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