Dan Moisand

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Oops! Mistakes Made In 2020


The disruptions of the past year led to many financial mistakes, but also offered an abundance of opportunities.

Planning Beats Predicting


Withdrawal rate studies keep getting better, but we still don’t know everything about how clients will spend their time and money.

The Many Forms Of Fear-Based Decisions


The market may be doing all right for 2020 but we shouldn’t assume clients are doing as well.

4% Rule Complications: Why Planning Beats Predicting


Rather than relying on predictions, rely on the on-going and dynamic process of financial planning.

Why Trading Around An Election Is A Dumb Idea


Markets don’t behave differently around elections than during other times.

The Price Of Panic


Recent data reinforces the importance of not panicking during a bear market.

Office Scenes From The Coronacrash


The pandemic has given us serious practice management problems to work out.

Rebalancing In Real Time


Rebalancing is an effective way of keeping risk exposures in line with those desired for goal achievement.

When Clients Clamor To Buy The Dips


What you do now is critical, not just to the future of your clients’ finances but the future of your firm as well.

It May Be Helpful To Take Notes During The Bear Market


Taking some notes in real time can be helpful for when the bear growls next.

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