James Tarmy

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A Remote Mansion On Vancouver Island That's Quarantine-Ready


The home was built within the Garry Oak savannah, one of Canada’s endangered natural ecosystems.

The Winners And Losers When New York’s Luxury Home Market Reopens


The pandemic has thrown the luxury real estate market back into uncertainty.

New Zealand's Most Expensive Home Ever Is Hitting The Market


The 13,000-square-foot “super penthouse” is hitting the market for NZ$40 million ($23.9 million).

The MoMA Has Taken A 'Chainsaw' To Its Staff, Budget, And Exhibitions


The reductions come less than a year after the opening of a $450 million expansion/renovation.

A $25.5 Million Napa Ranch Is Perfect For A Long Shelter In Place


The ranch’s isolation could prove its biggest selling point.

Bored Rich People Are Shopping Online For $500,000 Bracelets


The rise in online collectible jewelry sales comes at a time when the price of raw diamonds has sunk precipitously.

Restaurants Fear Going From 'Closed' To 'Space For Lease' By July

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Often, the only thing standing between their business and bankruptcy is a landlord’s largesse.

Without Spring Galas, NYC's Arts Organizations Are Desperate


Galas might sound frivolous to outside observers, but they’re absolutely critical to the nonprofits that run them.

The Biggest Art Show Of The Year Has Been Thrown Into Darkness

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People around the world booked bucket-list trips to see the Rome exhibition of the works of Raphael.

A McKinsey Exec Built A 1,000-Piece Art Collection. Now He's Selling


He criss-crossed the country to visit artists’ studios, private collectors’ homes, and far-flung galleries.

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