Mohamed El-Erian/Bloomberg View

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Reconciling 3 Narratives About Growth


There are three major competing growth narratives about the global economy.

How To Tell Debt Facts From Political Hype


Rather than narrowly focus on federal debt, the presidential candidates need to offer a comprehensive growth strategy.

Four Takeaways From The April Jobs Report


The report makes life harder for the Federal Reserve.

Why Currency Markets Seem Erratic


Beyond a certain point, interest-rate differentials can lose their effectiveness in driving exchange rates.

Bank Of Japan Finds It Can't Win


The central bank's delay of stimulus measures makes the prospects for a recovery of Japanese growth even dimmer.

Argentina's Triumphant Return To Capital Markets


This kind of debt forgiveness has occurred regularly—for good and bad reasons—and, for the most part, prematurely.

G-20 Delivers Empty Warning On Global Economy


The G-20 warned the large, advanced economies against continuing their reliance on unconventional monetary policy.

Five Lessons From Japan's Negative Rates


Break out of a growth slump caused by a bursting bubble is not easy.

WikiLeaks Controversy Strengthens Case For Greek Debt Forgiveness


Greece could end up an element of a much larger threat to the integrity and performance of both the euro zone and the European Union.

Two Metrics To Watch In The Jobs Report


Job creation and wage growth now should take a back seat to these other two important metrics.

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