Shareholder Advocacy

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Most Electric Utilities Unprepared To Reduce Emissions


A new report conducted on behalf of some 475 institutional investors with $55 trillion in assets shows most electric utilities are unprepared to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Know The Risks


I wrote about BPA about a month ago in my blog, but since most of us unknowingly are eating this controversial chemical every day I think it's worth mentioning again, now that Green Century Capital...

Advisor Helps Convince McDonald's On Pesticide Reduction


A Seattle registered investment advisor is one of the organizations that helped convince McDonald's Corp. to promote pesticide-use reduction. 

Should You Bank On It?


As hard as it may be to believe now, some banks will turn out to be good investments as the uncertainty caused by the global financial crisis begins to subside.

TIAA-CREF May Divest From Firms In Sudan


TIAA-CREF says it will divest from companies doing business with the Sudanese government if the firms don't stop that business or don't attempt to end genocide and ease suffering in Darfur. 

More Companies Agree To Political Spending Disclosure


Seven more companies have agreed to adopt or expand their disclosure of political spending with corporate funds.

Does Shareholder Advocacy Create Shareholder Value?


Ever drink from a bottle of water and notice a plasticky taste? Or reheat a meal with plastic wrap over it in the microwave? Or eat vegetables from cans, which often have plastic liners in them? 

Merck Signs On


With another day of punishing losses in the stock market and economic uncertainty looming over us like a mushroom cloud, little attention was paid to something positive that Merck & Co. Inc...

Water Scarcity Becomes Growing Financial Threat


Global climate change is exacerbating water scarcity problems around the world, yet few businesses and investors ...

Clients Want Accountability


Maybe you heard this last night too: A new national poll by CNN/Opinion Research Corp...

Shareholder Advocates Want Spending Disclosure


Shareholder advocates called on 19 financial companies that received more than $1 billion under the U.S.  ...

Take Action To Keep Clients Happy


During this severe economic downturn that's driven revenue lower for many advisory firms, it's more important than ever for advisors to come up with creative ways to serve clients and keep their...

SIF Urges Obama To Advance Shareholder Rights


President-elect Obama should move swiftly to restore shareholder rights and to advance corporate responsibility ...

Opinion: Can Obama Save Our Retirement Funds?

by Colvin Melvin

There may be hope in sight as Washington will be powerfully motivated to protect hard-hit retirement funds. 

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