FA News

Tariffs, Schmariffs . . . Global X Launches Suite Of China ETFs


Five funds focus on specific sectors; the other is a large-cap product.

Real Work In Advisor Mergers Begins After The Closing, HighTower CEO Says


When an advisor firm trades hands or merges, the focus should be on the years after the deal is done, he said.

Morgan Stanley Calls Out Investor Bias Against Women, Minorities


Investors are biased against businesses run by women and minorities, a survey by the firm concluded.

Minorities Suffer Most From Wealth Inequality, Study Finds


Americans are disproportionately impacted by financial inequality, according to a Prudential survey.

401(k) Plan Participants Contributing At Record Levels, Survey Says


Plan participants now save an average of over 12 percent of their income in 401(k)s, the survey found.

Broker Charged Greek Vacation To PWC Expense Account, Finra Says


Thomas Cooper was barred from the securities industry after padding expense accounts for over a a year, Finra said.

UBS Shuffles U.S. Wealth Unit To Capture More Billionaires

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UBS also is trying to lure more clients in China and Latin America.

Dell To Return To The Stock Market Five Years After Buyout


Dell will relist as a financially stronger and more diverse leader in computer equipment and software.

Morgan Stanley Warns 'Winter Is Coming' For Midcap Bank Stocks


The market is valuing bank shares as if the economy is headed toward recession, a firm analyst said.

Reverse Mortgages Seen By Advisors As Option Of Last Resort


Advisors have warmed somewhat to reverse mortgages, but only for specific client situations.

Mercer Advisors Buys Bell Wealth Management


The acquisition is its fourth in Texas since 2016.

HNW Clients Want More Than 'Good' Service From Their Advisors


Wealthy clients are looking for a full array of services and a high level of trust, an SEI study says.

Even BlackRock Has No Idea Which Brexit Outcome Is Worth A Bet


"We have no idea where this is going to ultimately end up,” a BlackRock strategist said.

Madoff Victims Get $419 Million Payment 10 Years After Arrest


That would bring total payouts over the past decade to more than $12 billion.

Potential 2019 Tax Changes Your Wealthy Clients Need To Know About


Plenty of changes have been ushered in by tax reform, including an increased standard deduction.

Fewer Investors Want To Be On Their Own, Study Says


Investors are using a combination of personal and digital advice, according to Hearts & Wallets.

Winklevoss Twins Ignore Crypto ‘Winter,’ Looking Toward 2019


Will their Bitcoin ETF ever come to market?

Survey Finds More American Workers Stressed Over Money


A majority of respondents said they suffered from physical and psychological symptoms due to the stress.

HSAs Touted For Health-Care Planning


Health Savings Accounts are a viable tool when planning for unexpected health-care costs, a panel of researchers said.

Mark Hurley Sues Howard Milstein, Emigrant Bank For Derailing FN Sale, Seeks $150 Million


The lawsuit says Emigrant threatened potential Fiduciary Network acquirers to buy the firm on the cheap.