FA News

Credit Suisse Is Splitting Its Main Wealth Unit Into 7 Regions


After UBS merged its wealth management businesses, its rival is said to be taking a different approach.

Scorching Summers Melt Away America's Growth


Climate change is taking a bite out of GDP, according to recent research.

U.S. Household Debt Jumps To $13.3 Trillion While Student Loan Delinquencies Dip


While U.S. household debt has increased, fewer loans are slipping into delinquency.

CFA Level II Pass Rate Declines From Last Year's Decade High


Forty-five percent of applicants passed the test in June, down from 47 percent in 2017.

Investors Haven’t Been This Bullish On U.S. Stocks Since 2015


The bull taking U.S. equities to record highs may be about to reach its peak, fund managers say.

Junk-Bond Star Is A Bully Who Terrified Subordinates, Peers Say

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Henry Chyung, CIO of Post Advisory Group, is accused of intimidation and bullying by some of his colleagues.

Powell to Keep Hiking As U.S. Growth Trumps Turkish Turmoil

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Despite concerns over trade and turmoil in Turkey, the Federal Reserve will likely continue to raise interest rates.

Bitcoin, Ether Sink As ‘Sense of Panic’ Grips Crypto Investors

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Dozens of cryptocurrencies declined in value led by significant loss of value in two of the largest tokens, Bitcoin and Ether.

Drill Down Into Energy Sector’s Hottest Niche


One corner of the oil and gas market is attracting outsized investor interest.

Ex-UBS Rep Stole $4M From Clients, Including Widow's Life Savings, SEC Says


John Maccoll of Michigan faces criminal and civil charges for allegedly pocketing the money for his own use.

Bank Of America Says Pump The Brakes On Structured-Credit Risk


Credit analysts at the bank are warning that structured credit products are entering a "risk-off" phase.

Americans, Especially Women, Fear Losing Health Insurance, Survey Says


Even insured Americans are skipping doctor visits due to concerns over the costs, the survey said.

Social Security Will Go Broke Faster Than You Think, Wharton School Says


Social Security trustees are not considering macro-economic factors that will reduce payroll taxes, the study say.

The Financial Crisis Will Cost Every American $70,000, Fed Study Says


That's how much U.S. workers will lose in lifetime income, according to the study.

Retirement Plan Sponsors Refocusing 401(k) Efforts, Fidelity Says


Retirement plan sponsors are shifting concerns from cost cutting to helping employees, Fidelity says.

Wells Fargo Tests Investor Patience With New Scandal Details


The bank disclosed earlier this month that it faces a U.S. inquiry into its purchase of low-income housing credits.

Wells Fargo Eyeing Piece Of The $1.4 Trillion Student-Debt Pie


The bank has identified students as a fast-growing market to tap.

Elon Musk's Tweet Draws Tesla Investor Lawsuit Over Share Price Swings

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Musk lied about funding for going private so he could push shares higher, the lawsuit alleges.

Post-Reform Tax Moves Planners Overlook For Wealthy Clients


Advisors may be missing strategies that have come to the forefront with federal tax reform.

IRS Floats New Regulations For 529 Plans


The new regs come on the heels of last year's tax reform and changes to 529s in the tax law.