FA News

This Is The Deadliest Day Of The Year For Car Wrecks In America


Sunny skies and vacation travelers add up to put this seemingly random day at the top of the list.

Home Prices Are Falling In One Of America's Richest Suburbs

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The federal cap on state and local property tax deductions is hitting rich New York City suburbs hard.

Credit-Card Backlash Mounts As Kroger Weighs Expanding Visa Ban


Businesses are starting to rebel against the $90 billion they pay in swipe fees every year.

How Investors’ Emotions Can Sabotage Portfolios


Investors often succumb to predictable, irrational emotions when it comes to their money, says Brandes Institute.

Retirement Savers Struggle To Catch Up


Many are desperate for more retirement savings, but are not willing to assume more risk, says Allianz.

CFP Board To Hold Nationwide Forums On New Standards


Public forums will be held this year and next in anticipation of the new CFP ethics standards.

Trump Policies Challenge Event-Driven Strategies, Manager Says


The president's tweets are making it hard to implement merger arbitrate strategies, this manager says.

Global X ETFs Target Yields Of As Much As 5 Percent


Two new funds span multiple asset classes to produce sizable income streams.

Six Alt Assets This $3.5B RIA Uses To Diversify Client Portfolios


These investments comprise between 25 percent and 35 percent of clients' portfolios at PagnatoKarp.

Blockchain, Once Seen As A Corporate Cure-All, Suffers Slowdown


The much-ballyhooed technology has proven difficult to adopt in real-life situations.

White House Not Actively Weighing Capital Gains Tax Change, Source Says

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The treatment of long-term capital gains was left untouched at 20 percent in the tax overhaul Trump signed in December.

Only Handful Of Top Active Equity Funds Maintain Edge Two Years Later


Funds that began as poor performers had a much bigger chance of getting liquidated, says S&P.

Goldman: Probability Of Recession 'Close To Zero' This Year


But trade wars, populism and electoral uncertainty threaten global equity markets, so here's how to allocate.

Puerto Rico Power Company Bonds Soar On Debt Restructuring Deal

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The company’s bonds soared in early trading Tuesday, when they were among the most active municipal securities.

Wall Street Resurrects Another Financing Tool Killed By Crisis


The market for bundled loans used to fund riskier real-estate projects is on pace for a post-crisis record.

RIA M&A Activity Drops 35% In Second Quarter


The 32 recorded deals was the lowest amount in the last several years.

'Financial QB' Calls For Penalty On Other Advisors


A Toms River, N.J., advisor is filing lawsuits to protect his use of the moniker “Financial Quarterback.”

Correction Worse Than February Is Building, Morgan Stanley Says


Tech, consumer discretionary and small caps could be especially hard hit, the firm says.

Top Millennial Advisor Team Leaves Merrill Lynch To Form Independent Firm

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He and his team with $930 million in client assets have left Merrill Lynch to form Wyeth Private Wealth.

Gen X Finally Shakes Off Great Recession—Unlike Baby Boomers


Gen Xers have recouped their losses, and then some, from the global recession, a new report says.