FA News

Emerging Markets Are Facing A Big Foreign FX Debt Bill


The extent of emerging markets' foreign-currency borrowing binge is laid bare in new number-crunching from CreditSights.

Go Midwest, Young Techie: Silicon Valley Too Pricey for Startups


High prices on the West Coast are making it easier for the fresh crop of computer-science graduates and other techies to choose growing heartland hubs.

Dartmouth Endowment Gains 8.3% On Real Estate, Venture Capital


The median return for endowments and foundations with more than $500 million this year is 3.6 percent.

Is He Selling You A Stock? Or A Big Fat Lie?


As the debate over fiduciary requirements rages in Washington, clients want to know: How would they spot a shifty advisor?

A Year After Gross Exit, TCW Leads Winners As Pimco Sheds Assets


In 2009, TCW Group Inc. watched as investors pulled billions of dollars after it ousted star money manager Jeffrey Gundlach. Today, the firm finds itself the beneficiary of another messy divorce.

Two Philadelphia Men Cheated Families, Friends Out Of $5.4M, SEC says


The men have agreed to pay the SEC $6.8 million in penalties and victim compensation.

Falling Oil Prices Put Dent In U.S. Home Market


Most U.S. housing markets are healthy, but a few are being hurt by the loss of jobs due to the lower gas prices, a new survey says.

Clinton Promises Health Insurance Merger Scrutiny In Policy Plan


Hillary Clinton said she would give close scrutiny to health-insurance industry mergers like those proposed this year by Anthem Inc. and Aetna Inc.

The Pitfalls Of Health-Care Companies’ Addiction To Big Data


Too much data in too many hands is causing too many problems with how private health records are being handled.

NAPFA Puts Focus On Young Advisors


NAPFA wants to give young graduates a reason to start their careers as fee-only advisors, leaders of the organization said.

Fiduciary Rules Still Under Development, White Says


SEC Chairman Mary Jo White said Wednesday that a formal proposal for a uniform fiduciary duty for broker-dealers and registered investment advisors is not coming soon.

Obama Basks In Pope Aura, But Francis Wants Economic Justice


Pope Francis is likely to exploit his moral authority and iconic popularity to pressure Barack Obama on U.S. global economic leadership.

Debt-Free College Grads: How Do They Do It?


Three in 10 students are coming out of college with not a penny owed.

Bill Gross Tells Fed To `Get Off Zero Now!'


Bill Gross said the Federal Reserve needs to raise interest rates as soon as possible, trading some near-term market losses for longer-term stability and a healthier financial system.

SSGA Study: Retirement Savers With Advisors Are More Confident


Among thousands of retirement savers in the U.S., U.K., Ireland and Australia, those who expressed confidence about achieving their goals also noted constant contact with advisors.

State Securities Regulators: 2014 Complaints Up, Investigations Down


State securities regulators released their 2014 scorecard Tuesday: Investor complaints were up 17 percent over 2013, investigations were down 8.5 percent.

U.S. Says 17.6M Americans Gained Health Insurance Through Law


That number is more than 7 percent higher than prior estimates.

Robo-Advisor Upgrades Platform To Take On Target-Date Funds


NextCapital is rolling out new features that allow its platform to replace target-date funds as the default option in 401(k) plans and offer more holistic advice to savers.

RIA Fined $75,000 After Chinese Cyber Attack


R.T. Jones Capital Equities Management, a St. Louis-based RIA, will pay $75,000 to settle SEC charges that it failed to protect its clients from a Chinese cyber security breach.

Obamacare Sign-Ups Will Be Harder Next Year, Official Says


Getting new people signed up for Obamacare will get harder this year as the program tries to access poorer, younger, harder-to-reach individuals, a government official said.