FA News

FINRA's Ex-Enforcement Chief Joins Law Firm


Susan Merrill, FINRA's former head of enforcement, has landed a new job as a partner at the New York office of the law firm Bingham McCutchen LLP.

Some Wealthy Say: Go Ahead, Tax Me More

One group of billionaires and millionaires is pushing for an end to Bush-era tax cuts.

Wirehouses May Want To Tap Indie Trend

Some industry experts say it would be profitable for the big brokerages to delve into the breakaway movement.

Spring Brings New Tools From Custodians

Spring has sprung, and with it have come new announcements from custodians eager to describe the ways they can help financial advisors flourish.

SEC Studies Financial Reform To Death

Legislation to reform the financial system not only proposes regulatory changes, but also asks for lots of studies by the SEC. 

Social Security May Be Rescued By Baby Boomers

Baby boomers, the generation expected to overwhelm Social Security, may be the workers to save it.

CFP Board Posts Anonymous Case Histories


For the first time, the CFP Board of Standards is posting sensitive information online about actual misconduct cases that have come before it for the public and financial advisors to see.

Roth IRA Conversions Fraught With Mistakes

In doing Roth IRA conversions, many individuals and advisors are making some astonishing mistakes that experts say could be avoided easily.

Finra Blames Morgan Keegan, Not Brokers, For Hiding Risk

Securities regulators' actions against Morgan Keegan & Co. put its brokers in the same basic category as investors: duped.

Financial Advisors Upgrade Tech To Focus On Clients

Technology has been blamed for reducing human interaction--why call when you can text? But financial advisers say it helps them keep in closer touch with clients.

Retirement Planning Not A High Priority For Many

Less than one-third of pre-retirees plan to leave their primary occupations at age 65, a new survey says. In fact, many pre-retirees don't think retirement, or retirement planning, applies to them.

Solar-Energy Plane Completes First Flight

The Solar Impulse aircraft, a pioneering Swiss bid to fly around the world on solar energy, successfully completed its first test flight in western Switzerland Wednesday.

Shareholders Fight For Directors To Be Elected By Majority

Some directors manage to stay on corporate boards with barely any shareholder support. This proxy season, investors are pushing companies to enact "majority-vote" standards.

Ameriprise Financial Still Battling Over Fund Fees

A case against Ameriprise Financial Inc. over allegedly excessive mutual-fund fees is being sent back to a federal appeals court by the U.S...

Retirement Funds Drawing Scrutiny

Regulators are stepping up efforts to police target-date funds. Meanwhile, providers from Schwab to Fidelity to Wells Fargo are tinkering with their offerings.

Dow 11000 Unlikely To Stop The Rally

by Tomi Kilgore

The 11000 level for the Dow Jones Industrial Average is every bit as significant as Dow 10000 was, if not more.

How Top Financial Advisors Beat Others

The best advisors aren't just beating their peers. The numbers show them practically pounding them into the ground.

LPL Recognizes Advisor


LPL Financial has recognized a California man as the advisor who has been affiliated with the firm longer than any other.

Keeping Family In A Multi-Family Firm

Pitcairn is a multi-family office that prides itself on putting hurdles in the career paths of family members who want in to the company.

As Crisis Fades, Clients Remain Needy

Investors may be calmer now than they were a year ago, but many got used to the extra hand-holding their advisors provided in the financial crisis. And they don't want it to stop.