Millennials (62%), however, are much more likely than Gen Xers (37%) and baby boomers/silent generation (30%) to say they would feel more positively toward their employer if they offered sustainable investing funds.

Millennials (60%) and Gen Xers (50%) are more likely than baby boomers/silent generation (29%) to say they would be very likely to purchase sustainable investing funds if they could be certain of returns.

In addition, women investors purchasing stocks are more likely than male investors to give a lot or a fair amount of thought to the social values espoused by corporate leadership (48% versus 35%) and the company’s environmental record (45% versus 35%).

They also are more likely than men to express interest in investing in sustainable investing funds. (60% versus 44%)
More women (78%) compared to (61%) of men are also likely to say that, if available, they would include sustainable investing funds in their 401(k). They (53%) are also more likely than men (35%) to say they would view their employer positively for offering them.

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