9. Do you have enough life insurance?

You’ll be sharing the responsibility of keeping a roof over the head of a new family, even when it’s just the two of you. While statistically limited among young couples, premature death is a risk we all face. Discuss whether there is adequate life insurance on each partner to replace his or her income, at least temporarily, if the worst happens. While on the subject, talk about whether you each have adequate disability insurance as well. If you’re disabled by an accident, your income may stop but the family bills won’t; in fact, they may grow if you need special help.

10. What about student loans? 

Discuss the repayment plans. Will each partner contribute toward repaying the loan of one spouse, or will it be up to the person who incurred the debt to repay it? Student loans can be a drain on joint finances and a source of tension if not discussed beforehand.


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