Private Wi-Fi, Public Park
In total, the building has five separate outdoor areas, though it lacks garden space. This, Niederhoffer says, isn’t an issue. “It’s as if Riverside Park is our backyard,” he says. “I can see my kids playing in the park from my terrace, and when I’m in the park, I still get our private Wi-Fi.”

The width and triple exposure is exceedingly rare in comparable New York houses; even so, given the softness of the current townhouse market, Niederhoffer says that he’s “priced it to sell.”

The true selling point, he says, is the house’s natural light. “You have it from three sides, plus the ceiling,” he says. “With brownstones, I always use the word ‘tomb,’ because you get a little bit of light in the middle of the day, and you certainly don’t get sunsets.”

At 40 Riverside Drive, in contrast, “My five year-old and I would sit out on the terrace, night after night,” he says. “Our routine was to watch the sunset.”

This article was provided by Bloomberg News.

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