Some of the feedback we got was “get rid of the screens”—the CNBC and the ticker tape. People who are already stock market junkies love that stuff, but it’s a real turnoff for people who aren’t.

KM: We got rid of all desks, and it’s all round tables. That’s very important symbolically in terms of, “We’re not on opposite sides of the table. We’re here together.” The general design principle was—this holds true in general—if you design things for women, you won’t turn off men. If you design things for men, you’re more likely to turn off women.

AJ: It makes sense. OK, getting a little primal here, men do generally go to where the women are.

This article was provided by Bloomberg News. Collins is the U.S. investing team leader at Bloomberg in New York. Stein is a fund management reporter at Bloomberg in Boston.


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