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14 years ago
An industry without a soul eventually dies
"Greed - for lack of a better word - is good." That's they way it has always been in this "young" advisor business. There are too many firm-related incentives and too many compensation haircuts for survival. The word is out. Everyone knows how it works. Young people are not stupid. They will increasingly avoid the 'two-years-and out' offering from the Big Boys. Only ethical independent advisors will stand a chance of continuing on into the future. Eventually, advisory firms will collapse under their own weight and become corporate investment banking institutions (they already are, mostly) and "Main Street", with the increasingly sophisticated technology and access to information will manage its own money, thankyouverymuch.The wave is just forming and hasn't crested yet, but it will someday, financial advisory firms will fall, and 'great shall be the fall thereof'."It doesn't take a weatherman to know which way the wind blows."