Ellis: Where do Nexus members find information to share with others in the network?

Grellet: We curate useful information for our members to make it available through social media, our salons, speaker series and our conferences. We also encourage our members to participate in and speak at other conferences to spread the word about Nexus. We have a research and reports section on our website available to the public where you will find the latest reports on impact investing organized by themes cutting across asset classes, sector and geography. We also offer annual sponsorships opportunities for advisors who want to participate in our impact investing journey.

Ellis: Stephanie, aren’t there more millennials actively engaged today in managing wealth for family foundations and family offices than there were even a few years ago?

Cordes: Yes, today the conversations around how to make changes for the better within family wealth management are shifting toward alignment of investment choices with personal values. This is happening across generations and not just with millennials.      

Paul Ellis founded Paul Ellis Consulting to work with financial advisors who want to integrate sustainable and impact investment strategies for their clients.


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