This is a glaring example of more work to be done and realities to be better understood. Without a clear picture of what life can be—is meant to be—the odds of getting this one wrong are really high. And, it goes without saying, this involves a great deal more than money.

Recommendation #3: Get real. The business is worth what it is worth. Its value is in no way tied to some goal the seller had. Some goal that is driven by those POWERFUL FORCES, that may or may not be in anyway relevant now!

I’ll sum it up like this: Whether we are talking about selling a business, a career change or any known/unknown decision, we have at least a couple of alternative ways to go about this.

1) With the internal baggage. The self-created invisible copilot that influences decisions
in ways that steer from the true optimum.


2) We can hit pause and clear the decks. We acknowledge those internal beliefs and judgments. We do what we need to do. We engage with more complete information and clarity. This option will only get to the better answers 100 percent of the time!

Don Scott was an Arthur Andersen partner, office managing director for a national trust company, and COO and CFO of an oil company. Along with 35 years in the business and financial world, Don added a Master’s degree in psychology. 

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