SBPlanner Develops Bond Analysis Tool |
Spring Lake Heights, N.J.–based has developed a tool that generates the most current interest rates and redemption values available for savings bonds. The tool, The Platinum Guru, creates a Savings Bond Analysis Report, with comprehensive, color-coded alerts and warnings and real-time information for savings bond holders. The Platinum Guru also automatically creates Monthly Email Summary Statements for each bond-owning client, with a built-in Alert System that informs them when bonds reach their final maturity and should be redeemed. Advisors can use the reports to help their clients, SBPlanner says, and each report can be personalized with a financial planner‚s name and contact information. The Matured Bonds Report is the most beneficial report in the package to the financial service professional. It offers a one-line summary that identifies each client whose bonds have matured, along with their cash-in value. also offers a Platinum Plus Service for advisors. The service provides a complete turnkey seminar program on savings bonds that advisors can use to attract potential clients, the firm says. Why should advisors be interested in their clients‚ savings bonds? More than 60 million Americans own more than $200 billion worth of savings bonds, says Surprisingly, more than $9 billion worth of savings bonds have matured and have stopped earning interest, and this is a new source of untapped money that needs to be redeemed and reinvested, it adds. While U.S. Savings Bonds may be easy to purchase, most investors do not know how to properly manage their investment. With the closing of all U.S. Treasury Department marketing offices last year and the elimination of the attractive tax-deferred HH savings bond on August 31, investors need a trustworthy source of reliable information, maintains. Jack Quinn is founder and CEO of, a marketing strategy company for financial professionals. For more information, visit or call 800-717-2663. MassMutual System MassMutual of Springfield, Mass., announced a new Portfolio Audit and Account Review program for agents on the company‚s producer Web site, FieldNet. PAAR was developed to help the company‚s financial professionals and support staff improve productivity and meet clients‚ needs. This program can be used to search for all active MassMutual policies, contracts and investments associated with a name, Social Security number or tax identification number. Contact for more information. Hedge Fund Evaluations San Clemente, Calif.-based PPCA Inc. has released a means for evaluating hedge fund performance. Hedge Fund Portfolio Opportunity Distributions, or HedgePOD, evaluates hedge funds by creating all the possible hedge funds that could have existed through time given a specific hedge fund strategy. HedgePOD can be used to backtest new hedge funds. Please visit for more information.
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October 1, 2004