Some will find The Guide to Personal Financial Planning, which in printed format fills three binders, a worthwhile investment. While the computational forms are archaic (does anybody out there still calculate college funding needs with paper, pencil and a handheld calculator?), there are plenty of useful forms, checklists, tables, worksheets and practice management documents to help run a financial practice more efficiently. The reference manual is, for the most part, filled with concise, useful information. As one would expect, the guide is particularly strong on tax related subjects. My guess is that newer planners will benefit most from this guide, but established firms in the process of reviewing their forms and procedures are sure to find the guide a prudent investment as well. Financial Planning Workflow Solution, at $495, represents a good value.
Joel P. Bruckenstein, CFP, is co-author of the book Virtual Office Tools for the High-Margin Practice: How Client-Centered Financial Advisers Can Cut Paperwork, Overhead, and Wasted Hours. (See for ordering information.)