5. Who is this financial advisor's clientele? (Are testimonials provided?)
6. Does anything distinguish this advisor from the others? (Are this person's services different or unique vis-à-vis others' services?)
7. How will my using this particular advisor benefit me? (What real value does he or she bring to the table and how will it improve my life?)
I know it would impress the heck out of me if someone presented his or her approach with authority and respect like this advisor did with his list. I would know I was dealing with a professional who really had his or her act together.
The Last Word
It never fails that after my presentations advisors come up to me and ask, "Leo, how can I get to the point where I am eloquent and articulate in all my presentations? It seems so easy for you."
Well, I give the same answer whenever I'm asked these questions. It's no different from what YOU do every day. I just rehearse my presentation over and over. I do it consistently, and I make a conscious effort to make it sound the same all of the time. That way I have the basics down, and I can add or subtract from my presentation depending upon the particular circumstances. It is now in my soul, in my blood, in my veins. That is what makes the message compelling when I deliver it, because it is evidence of the "practice what you preach" analogy. You have to embody it. You have to apply it.
When you learn to deliver the many answers to the seven critical questions on the Value Ladder with confidence, passion and speed, you and your message will become so conversationally compelling that your attitude will be, "Why wouldn't this prospect want to do business with me?"
This is another example of practicing what you preach, feeling so strongly about what you do that you can say something like this with respect and sincerity. When you apply your knowledge and skills, you'll be amazed at the results you will see.
Leo Pusateri is president of Pusateri Consulting and Training LLC in Buffalo, N.Y., and is author of Mirror Mirror on the Wall Am I the Most Valued of Them All?