Family and relationships. Healthy relationships and personal connections are another key to a successful retirement. Unfortunately, after they stop working, many people feel increasingly isolated, especially in the later stages of retirement, when some may experience hearing or vision loss, or perhaps the loss of a spouse. A different type of loss among today’s retirees is “gray divorce” (the divorce of couples age 50 and older). This shouldn’t surprise us. Two-career couples often lead somewhat parallel lives during their busy working years. At retirement, they’re suddenly thrust together 24/7, putting the relationship under stress.

Leisure opportunities. For pre-retirees, thinking about how to spend leisure time is an essential component of the retirement preparation process, one that should begin well before they stop working. Rather than just assuming there will be plenty to do, it makes sense to map out what a typical day or week will look like, including hobbies, classes and intellectual pursuits, travel or volunteering, to name a few different avenues. One paradox is that, for an activity to be considered leisure, it must be diversionary. Playing golf may cease to be a diversion if you pursue it every day.

Certainly, there are many other important dimensions that contribute to a client’s retirement outcome. For example, foundational values and spirituality or any caregiving responsibilities the client may have, whether for parents, children or grandchildren, may influence retirement success.

Helping Clients Gear Up For A Well-Rounded Retirement
None of this is intended to diminish the importance of the work financial advisors do to help clients prepare financially for retirement. According to the Merrill study, respondents weighted financial security as the most important element in achieving retirement peace of mind (according to 60%). They put this over health (named the most important by 14%), family well-being (14%) and personal purpose (12%). So clearly, most financial advisors are already working on the one thing that has the biggest impact on retirement success.

On the other hand, at a time when many advisors are seeking ways to add value, it can be incredibly beneficial if they ask clients a few questions about their emotional readiness for retirement. For example:

• What are you doing to prepare for retirement in nonfinancial ways?

• On a scale of 1 to 10, if “1” means depression and “10” means excitement, how would you characterize your attitude toward retirement?

• In what ways do you think you should prepare, above and beyond financial readiness?

• What can you learn from people you know who have already left the workforce about their retirement success?

• Do you plan to work in retirement, and if so, what will you do?

Beyond asking questions, you may want to refer pre-retiree clients to useful material, to books such as What Color Is Your Parachute? For Retirement by John E. Nelson and Richard N. Bolles, or websites such as, which offers nonfinancial retirement readiness assessments and coaching. It may even make sense to form a strategic alliance with a coach to whom you can refer clients who want personalized help putting together a nonfinancial retirement game plan. Or consider offering a seminar or workshop to help clients focus on retirement preparation.

Of all the things you can do to help your pre-retiree clients, perhaps one of the best is to confront these issues yourself. Think carefully about the kind of retirement life you desire (even if that means continuing to work) and figure out the action steps you personally need to take. Far too many advisors haven’t contemplated their own retirement and how to embrace it with the same eagerness and passion they’ve put into their careers.

Redefining Retirement
There is no one right way to address the nonfinancial challenges of retirement with clients. Your approach will depend on your comfort discussing these matters and your vision of the role your firm will play in helping clients achieve true retirement readiness.

One thing is clear, however. The baby boomers will redefine retirement. As Mitch Anthony writes in The New Retirementality, “Retirement is an unnatural condition. Even if you can afford to retire, the worst thing you can do is to withdraw.” At a minimum, advisors should be ready to help clients think through their next career possibilities and know how to fund them. And if you’re a pre-retiree yourself, be assured, it’s not going to be like your parents’ retirement.

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