Huffman’s husband, the TV and movie star William H. Macy, sent Judge Talwani a six-page letter explaining his wife’s parenting challenges and the impact her arrest had on their children. An arts school had offered their daughter a finalist’s audition but withdrew it two days after Huffman was taken out of their home in handcuffs, he said.
“She hurt her daughters. It was the one thing she swore never to do, and she did it,” Macy wrote. “It’s a great lump of pain that she carries with her night and day. It’s a pain I don’t think she will ever escape.”
Now she is trying to rebuild their relationship, he wrote.
“When one of her daughters needs to scream at her, she takes it in and makes no excuses. She only loves them back,” he told the judge. He closed by saying, “Every good thing in my life is because of Felicity Huffman.”
In her own letter to the judge, Huffman described her struggle with motherhood and how she got in deeper with Singer after working with him legitimately for a year on improving her younger daughter’s college application.
“As warped as this sounds now, I honestly began to feel that maybe I would be a bad mother if I didn’t do what Mr. Singer was suggesting,” Huffman told Talwani. She said she feels “deep and abiding shame” over her crime but is “truly grateful for the lessons I have learned and for the opportunity to live more honestly.”
This article provided by Bloomberg News.