Huffman’s lawyer had argued that Singer played on his client’s concerns about her daughter’s learning disabilities and “said he could do what he perversely described as leveling the playing field.” It didn’t keep Huffman out of jail.

“Judge Talwani has already been clear that people of wealth and means taking advantage of their status to get favorable treatment for their children doesn’t sit well with her,” Bailey said.

On Tuesday it was Devin Sloane -- who paid $250,000 to get his son into the University of Southern California as a bogus water polo recruit -- standing before Talwani. The water-services executive, like Semprevivo a 53-year-old Angeleno, had blamed Singer for luring him into the scheme, calling him “sociopathic” and “a world-class schemer and manipulator.” Sloane, too, had asked the judge for probation and community service.

Talwani gave him four months.

“Why does it matter, in terms of my sentencing,” she said, “why someone else invited him to do this crime?”

The case is U.S. v. Abbott, 19-cr-10117, U.S. District Court, District of Massachusetts (Boston).

This article was provided by Bloomberg News.

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