A typical client for Kramer Wealth Managers is a person with substantial assets who is in or near retirement. The firm uses FSC Securities, a fully hearing broker dealers. He says the firm relies on FSC’s flexible technology and archetecture, which allow the fiirm to serve their clients in the unique way they need to be served.   

Kramer has one client he helped in the early days of his business, who is still a client.

“The man’s wife had died and he was grieving. The government was holding up her survivor’s benefits and he could not understand why the benefits were being delayed. We understood what the government office was saying and interpreted for him,” Kramer says.

Summers adds, “People come in confused and overwhelmed and not understanding what their options are. It is extremely rewarding to be able to explain a situation to them in depth in a way they understand. There is a great contentment and relief on their part.”

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