I’m thankful for Sonny every day because without him, my mom’s and my own life would look vastly different. We are proof the insurance was worth every penny. I credit Sonny with helping ignite my passion for women’s investing issues and demonstrating how one dedicated financial professional can make an enormous impact in the lives of clients. Incidentally, my mom is doing great and we are fortunate to have recently celebrated her 75th birthday.

Let’s Unleash The Investment Power Women Hold
I was grateful for the opportunity to record a video of my story about Sonny recently for a new platform Jackson has launched solely to help financial professionals—both men and women— better understand and address women’s needs in retirement planning. Called Investing In You, it’s one of many excellent resources available today to help ensure more women can look to retirement with confidence instead of the fear of running out of money.

Women are typically savvy investors who outperform men in the markets, even with the cards stacked against them, and 90% of women are responsible for managing assets at some point in their life. As Sonny did with my mom, we just need to earn their business. If we do, our female clients won’t have a reason to seek another financial professional if they outlive their spouse. 

Unfortunately, gender-related realities continue to shape women’s lives all the way into retirement. By taking the time to understand and counteract some of the unique financial challenges women face and fully engaging them in client discussions, we can help level the playing field and unleash the investment power they hold.

Kristen Billows is regional vice president for Jackson National Life Distributors LLC, the marketing and distribution business of Jackson.

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