EISI, North America's leading supplier of financial planning software to financial professionals, has announced upgrades to all three of its software packages: NaviPlan Select, Profiles Professional, and Profiles Forecaster. The firm, which claims over 250,000 advisor clients, has over 20 years of experience providing financial planning software solutions to professionals.
The new Profiles Professional Version 10 features a robust presentation module. This new interactive tool, in a slide show format allows advisors to present plans to clients in a more holistic fashion. In addition, the presentation module can be used to gather data during meetings and change plan information on the fly. Initially, the software features four presentation templates: Planning to Protect, The Road to Retirement, Planning for your Family's Education, and Cash Flow Planning. It is anticipated that more templates will be added in the future. Enterprise clients can access a tool which allows them to create their own custom slide presentations.
The slide presentations include static images, text, report links, links to other slides and hyperlinks. These links may include links to other websites, to documents and to video.
The other big news in this release is integration with Redtail CRM. Users of the Web-based version of Profiles Professional will now be able to import demographic data, policy information and portfolio data from Redtail CRM into Profiles Professional. Other enhancements include improved case review process, the ability to modify calculated Social Security benefits in the retirement scenario builder, new and improved reports, improved navigation and improved calculation performance.
NaviPlan Select Version 12 includes the same presentation module layer. The implementation is slightly different in NaviPlan but the overall look is very similar. Other upgrades to NaviPlan Select include an improved user interface which includes a re-organization of the navigation bar, new training videos and learning guides, a multi-generational option during the set-up of Qualified plans, enhancements to the Roth conversion section, the ability to model a retirement mid-year, extensive enhancements to the way NaviPlan Select handles annuities, and a redesigned and enhanced Scenario Manager.
The major enhancement to Profiles Forecaster 5.0 (web version) is the Redtail CRM integration.
For more information about all the newly released EISI financial planning products please visit www.eisi.com