The recent scandal involving movie producer Harvey Weinstein may also be emboldening some employees in various industries to come forward and encouraging companies to act swiftly, said Denise Murphy, chair of the labor and employment group at Rubin & Rudman, a Boston law firm.

“With all the publicity surrounding Harvey Weinstein, victims of sexual harassment are feeling empowered and not feeling alone,” Murphy said. “And employers, like Fidelity, are stepping up to address it head on.”

Johnson is in a high-profile but challenging position as she tries to ensure a diverse and respectful workplace for employees.

“Some people expect that a woman CEO will be more of an advocate of other women in her firm,” said Temin. “That is mostly true, but sometimes the expectations are set too high, that she can fix all of this with a wave of her wand by 2018, and make it all go away.”

This article was provided by Bloomberg News.

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