Do your clients have a financial question? A lot of people do.

Today, they frequently turn to Google to find the answer. And, as advisors, you may be surprised to learn that your clients, and potential clients, have questions about fundamental concepts that you take for granted.

Digital Third Coast, a Chicago digital marketing and search agency, and Liberty Bank for Savings, based in Chicago, wanted to know what questions are top-of-mind, so the two firms tallied the number of Google searches for financial questions made in a year. The data was then broken down into which question scored highest in each state.

“Being financially secure goes a long way towards peace of mind, and being financially secure starts with being financially literate,” the firms said in a statement.

Following are the top 12 questions people asked the most, the number of searches made over the period of a year from July 2017 through June 2018 rounded to the nearest hundred and the states where the question ranked at the top of the list. The questions are listed in reverse order with the most popular listed last. 

Finally, the captions also include a basic answer to the question—something that should help if the question pops up in your next client meeting.

12. What is a budget?

27,100. Louisiana, South Carolina, Texas.

A budget is a financial plan for a defined period of time that can often help with saving money and meeting various financial goals.