Ultimately, most firms should seek balance. Like most cocktails, if you only use one ingredient you either end up with a drinking problem or a bland liquid that should have been water. Very few firms can say that they have done everything they can to create opportunities and service clients as a firm. At the same time, there is nothing wrong with having a star and encouraging those with talent, ambition and a willingness to develop and go further.

The key in finding the mix is consistency. The choice of strategy is up to every firm, but you can’t have a “no name on the uniform” strategy and expect your players to sell jerseys. You also can’t rely on “superstars” and then complain that they are prima donnas.  


Philip Palaveev is the CEO of the Ensemble Practice LLC. He’s an industry consultant, author of the books G2: Building the Next Generation and The Ensemble Practice and the lead faculty member for the G2 Institute.





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