Seventy-two percent of younger millennials (ages 18-24) have less than $1,000 in their savings accounts and 31 percent have nothing at all. Older millennials (25 to 37 years old) are in a similar boat —67 percent have less than $1,000 in savings and 33 percent have $0, according to a report from CNBC.

But despite being low on money, millennials are famously frivolous in their spending habits. Sixty-nine percent said they splurge on clothes they don’t really need and 60 percent spend over four dollars per day on coffee, according to that report.

Where do millennials spend the most on their "must-have" luxury items?

UBS decided to find out by tracking the cost of everything from iPhones to a pair of sneakers in 11 cities around the world: New York, Paris, London, Zurich, Dubai, Hong Kong, Johannesburg, Moscow, Bangkok, Buenos Aires and Toronto.

The eight items on the list included an iPhone, a laptop, a pair of jeans, a pair of sneakers, a Netflix subscription, a cup of coffee, a Big Mac as a late night craving and avocados.

The study found a significant divergence in costs.

In Hong Kong, for example,  a laptop computer costs only $560 on average, while the cost is a whopping $1,730.28 in Moscow. In Argentina iPhones cost more than double the Hong Kong price at $2,242.75 per phone.

Caffeine lovers in Dubai aren’t in luck—a regular cup of coffee in the city costs $5.70 per cup, compared to an average of $1.93 of the cities studied. 

This is how the 11 cities stacked up when it came to total costs for the eight millennial "must-have" items, starting with the most expensive locations:

11. Buenos Aires

Total costs: $3,696.38

It would be cheaper for shoppers looking to buy an iPhone in Buenos Aires to fly to New York for the day and buy one. An iPhone costs $2,242.75 in this city compared to $1,087.83 in New York. A roundtrip flight from Argentina to New York costs about $1,010, according to Google.